
Unlock the Secrets of Crypto.

Are you ready to dive deeper into the world of cryptocurrency and unlock your full potential as an investor? Our workshops offer the perfect opportunity to gain valuable insights, hone your skills, and take your crypto journey to the next level whatever level you're currently at.
Workshops Coins
The Jackson Difference

Why Choose Our Workshops?

Find out why viewers keep coming back to the best crypto short workshops.

Expert Guidance

Learn from industry experts with years of experience in the crypto space, who will provide you with practical advice and proven strategies for success.

Crypto 101

Get an introduction to the fundamentals of cryptocurrency, including how it works, its potential applications, and how to get started investing.

Convenient Format

Our short workshops are designed to fit seamlessly into your busy schedule, with bite-sized lessons that you can access anytime, anywhere.

Comprehensve Curriculum

From the basics of blockchain technology to advanced investment strategies, our workshops cover a wide range of topics to ensure you have all the knowledge you need to succeed.

Advanced Trading Techniques

Dive deeper into the world of crypto trading with advanced techniques and strategies for maximizing profits and minimizing risk.

Managing Your Own Wealth

Discover how to manage your new found wealth from crypto with step by steps systems for communicating with professionals, family and friends.
Feel the Change

Measurable Impact. Satisfied Students.

With a range of short workshops designed to bring you up to speed on a variety of topics at a variety of levels. These workshops deliver so much more than content.

Confidence Building

Participants report increased confidence

Stress Busting

Average reduction in stress levels

Measured Outcomes

Successfully develop an exit strategy
Explore Workshops

Take Your Pick.

Ready to take the next step on your crypto journey?
Browse our selection of workshops and enroll today to start learning from the best in the business.

Join our upcoming workshop

Get a beginner’s dive into crypto and blockchain basics. Unlock the world of cryptocurrency and blockchain with this free workshop from Lewis Jackson.

Foundation First

Build a solid foundation to safely enter and navigate the cryptocurrency world.

Professional and Social Power

Having an understanding of Blockchain that 99% of people don’t have, can benefit you in the workplace and at home.

Step-by-Step Guides

Get exclusive access to my beginner-friendly guides: "Scam Defence System”, “Buy, Sell, Send Blueprint”

Crypto & Blockchain 101
with Lewis Jackson

Lewis Jackson Headshot
Workshop Resources
Workshop Resources

Get exclusive resources for your crypto journey

We're dedicated to providing you with great resources for your time. Unlock lifetime access to exclusive step-by-step guides with every workshop.
Lifetime access to the workshop recordings
Lifetime access to the "Scam Defense System"
Lifetime access to the "Buy, Sell, Send Blueprint"
...and many more exclusive resources
Still Unsure?

Frequently Asked Questions

There are no stupid questions. Missing something? Look for it below.
What are the short workshops about?
Our workshops cover a range if different topics and varying levels of experience. We are trying to cover every step of the journey from complete beginner through to advanced investors looking to diversify their new found wealth. All the workshops are systemized - meaning they will guide you through processes rather than leave you to guess how to action the knowledge.
Who can join?
Anyone can join the workshops but it is advised that you look through the entire workshop pages to see if you're a good fit for that particular workshop. Each workshop will be labelled "Beginner", "Intermediate" or "Expert".
What are the benefits?
You get access to extremely detailed yet simple processes, systems and explanations of otherwise complex topics. You'll be able to communicate these complexities yourself to colleagues, friends and family with ease to become your own circle's go to person for crypto related information.
How much does it cost?
Pricing for the workshops vary from completely FREE up to a couple hundred dollars.
Is it worth it?
These workshops are a no-brainer!

Still have questions?

Get in touch below, and somebody will be in touch to support you.